Sunday, December 14, 2008
Let the Issues be the Issue
To those people who said race was an issue during the 2008 presidential election, they are lying. No matter where you go, who you are, and what you become, race will always be an issue to the inner conscious. However, looking at this unoffical advertisement, we should shut off our minds to racial issues. To me, race should've been the least issue during the election. America's economy was drastically going down, and America needed someone to guide America out of the failing economy. Although this advertisement does portray some logical fallacy, this should've hindered the American's decision on their votes.
Friday, December 12, 2008

3D Foam Plaster
My plaster form takes a shape of a whale. Although not intended from the beginning, I began to see that it took a shape of an animal. My plaster is also decorated with vivid use of colors and lines. I started out by using a simple recycled foam board, which I carefully shaved it to make a rough form of my plaster. Then I used wrapped it with a cast, from which then I used a liquid cast to make the form smooth overall.
Through certain forms and shapes I was able to create few of the principles of design and the elements of art. My painted patterns were able to create emphasis, contrast, balance, and overall a general unity. My colored lines also created movement and emphasis along with the texture of the plaster form. Overall I was pretty satisfied with what I made. Although I do regret on the part where I decided to choose my color scheme, it came out as a decent 3D form that looks very much like an African sculpture.
My plaster form takes a shape of a whale. Although not intended from the beginning, I began to see that it took a shape of an animal. My plaster is also decorated with vivid use of colors and lines. I started out by using a simple recycled foam board, which I carefully shaved it to make a rough form of my plaster. Then I used wrapped it with a cast, from which then I used a liquid cast to make the form smooth overall.
Through certain forms and shapes I was able to create few of the principles of design and the elements of art. My painted patterns were able to create emphasis, contrast, balance, and overall a general unity. My colored lines also created movement and emphasis along with the texture of the plaster form. Overall I was pretty satisfied with what I made. Although I do regret on the part where I decided to choose my color scheme, it came out as a decent 3D form that looks very much like an African sculpture.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Art Critique

During the art exhibition in the Seoul Museum of Art, a new exhibition "Turn And Widen" is getting the public's attention. Composed of various artists' work, the museum was focused on the artist’s view of the world in and through multi-media techniques. Artists not only chose to express their ideas through 3D sculpture, but also through interactive ways. Three artworks can generalize and represent the creativeness of the artworks in this exhibition. Joon-Ji-Yoon’s Alarm Clock Video, Markus Hansen’s Other People’s Feeling are Also my Own, and especially Christa Sommer’s Life Writer, are clear and vivid representations for the main theme of the exhibition: bringing new media into the main stream of present day art. This biennial exhibition, held once every two years, was curated by four foreign art professionals: Maarten Bertheux, Tohru Matsumoto, Raúl Zamudio, and Andreas Broeckmann.
One of the most vivid artworks that represents this exhibition is Christa Sommer’s Life Writer. This artwork is very interesting in the way Sommer’s combines the element of 2D art with 3D and a whole lot of viewer interaction. Life Writer depicts an actual typewriter and when the viewer types in a few letters, the printed letter comes to life taking a form of an insect. People were surprised to see the “printed” letters come to life. The digitally printed letters formed into insects, and those insects later ate other letters. The Life Writer carefully uses only white and dark lights shining onto the artwork to catch the viewer's attention. Although the Life Writer was emotionally depressing, Sommer’s primary message in this piece was: through writing, life can be created. Much like people’s reaction to the Life Writer, other artworks such as Joon-Ji-Yoon’s Alarm Clock was also received with awe and fascination. The Alarm Clock shows a video of an ordinary clock getting ground into dust. The main message behind this artwork is no matter how much humans value time, it can be destroyed in a matter of time. Mark Hansen’s Other People’s Feeling are Also My Own wisely uses the physiological mind of human beings to create a false perception. Similarly using the facial expression and position, Hansen imitates a complete stranger; making the viewer believe that Hansen and the strangers belong to the same family. The true message behind this work is the theme of unity: every human beings are connected to one another.
Turn and Widen is divided into three parts: light, communication, and time. Through these different segments of the museum, different artist's perspective on the world can be viewed at the same time. The exhibit is a wonderful experience to see the new media trend of art today. Carefully executed and well thought out, the exhibition in the Seoul Museum of Fine Art allows people to see so many philosophies and ideas. Seoul Museum of Fine Art brings New Media art to life.

Turn and Widen is divided into three parts: light, communication, and time. Through these different segments of the museum, different artist's perspective on the world can be viewed at the same time. The exhibit is a wonderful experience to see the new media trend of art today. Carefully executed and well thought out, the exhibition in the Seoul Museum of Fine Art allows people to see so many philosophies and ideas. Seoul Museum of Fine Art brings New Media art to life.

Monday, October 13, 2008
1. I was, somewhat very surprised to see that out of all of the Asian students, Korean student's dropout rate was the highest. We are globally known as one of the most prestigious and dillegent students. Yet unable to carry that same mindset to a college level surprised me.
2. I know some few people who have dropped out from their college. The main reason I was given was just because of the fact that, "everything was too hard."
3. I do think it's the fact that Korean parents force their children too much to study. All parents should allow the maximum amount of opportunity to be given to their children.
4. Extracurricular activities exist to prove that the world isn't only based on books and tests. By participating in these activities, students build wider knowledges on the world. Thus making them into more prepared learners in the future.
5. Just knowing how to study, doesn't make a person to become an available person in the future. I believe that how you incooperate your knowledge from your studies makes you into a successful person.
6. I think the solution to this problem is to tell all Korean parents that there are more than to just study in this wide range of world.
2. I know some few people who have dropped out from their college. The main reason I was given was just because of the fact that, "everything was too hard."
3. I do think it's the fact that Korean parents force their children too much to study. All parents should allow the maximum amount of opportunity to be given to their children.
4. Extracurricular activities exist to prove that the world isn't only based on books and tests. By participating in these activities, students build wider knowledges on the world. Thus making them into more prepared learners in the future.
5. Just knowing how to study, doesn't make a person to become an available person in the future. I believe that how you incooperate your knowledge from your studies makes you into a successful person.
6. I think the solution to this problem is to tell all Korean parents that there are more than to just study in this wide range of world.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The society constatly revolves and changes into a new stance. The driving force that contributes to that change is through the exertion of perower. During the Civil Rights movement, Malcom X, a Civil RIghts leader, believed in different ways from Martin Luther King Jr.. WHile Martin promoted peacefull path, Malcom X believed that using violence will bring a definit impact to the society. Novels such as "1984" by George Orwell depicts how power is chosen over patience to control the masses will. Through these examples, we can see that power brings strong changes in the society.
Unlike Martin Luther king Jr., Malcom X was a person who favored using force to bring changes. Joining ideas along with antoher Civil Rights leader, Stockely Carmichel, both used violent riots such as The March of Washington to express their belief and ideas to the government. Because of their sudden adn violent force that constantly collided, the Congress had to pass laws to settle matters into tranquility. Like Malcom X, literatures also depict a clear sense of societies changed through force and power.
"1984" by George Orwell, dpeicts a life of an Soviet Union citizen; who despises the Big Brother government, also known as the communist government. The government who tries to take full controll of their people, uses extreme actions such as torture, to brainwash their people. The main character is constantly pressured under the government's eye, and in the end, losing himself into the submission of the government.
Loking through both of these examples, while others may use patience to rediate their will, using force and pwoer are more effective. By bringing strong and overwhelming actions; both Malcom X and the communist government were successful of having what they wanted. Power, maybe the only way to bring social changes.
Unlike Martin Luther king Jr., Malcom X was a person who favored using force to bring changes. Joining ideas along with antoher Civil Rights leader, Stockely Carmichel, both used violent riots such as The March of Washington to express their belief and ideas to the government. Because of their sudden adn violent force that constantly collided, the Congress had to pass laws to settle matters into tranquility. Like Malcom X, literatures also depict a clear sense of societies changed through force and power.
"1984" by George Orwell, dpeicts a life of an Soviet Union citizen; who despises the Big Brother government, also known as the communist government. The government who tries to take full controll of their people, uses extreme actions such as torture, to brainwash their people. The main character is constantly pressured under the government's eye, and in the end, losing himself into the submission of the government.
Loking through both of these examples, while others may use patience to rediate their will, using force and pwoer are more effective. By bringing strong and overwhelming actions; both Malcom X and the communist government were successful of having what they wanted. Power, maybe the only way to bring social changes.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Final edition of Routine
Showering in the morning due, questions came to his mind, “Every moment in my life, I’ve never felt special. Will I ever be successful?" The boy moved slowly sat up his lethargic body."What if I fail my family and my peers? What humiliations do I have to face today?I just want to be free from everything…" With these thoughts, Paul got up from his bed and sullenly left his room.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
List of Phrases I Don't Know
1. a tongue-in-cheek
2. way off Senator John McCain
3. book hig-profile politicans
4. bloviation fests
5. cherry-picking
6. material harvested
7. drawing out their ailments and pain
8. show-business-heavy agenda
9. ur-narrative
10. explicating and parsing
11. ton of corn into a gallon of sour mash
12. sweat equity
2. way off Senator John McCain
3. book hig-profile politicans
4. bloviation fests
5. cherry-picking
6. material harvested
7. drawing out their ailments and pain
8. show-business-heavy agenda
9. ur-narrative
10. explicating and parsing
11. ton of corn into a gallon of sour mash
12. sweat equity
The Daily Report
1. Bringing laughter and joy is not the only purpose of a comedy. The true intention of comedy is when bringing up a political or a social controversy, and presents those with a little drop of humor to the audience. Believing that comedy is not just the advent of laugher, but also a truth to some degree. Steward claims his role as a comedian, because of his primary role of bringing satirical sense into his “report”. The Daily Show serves its purpose as mentioning the current issues around the globe; especially in America. Compared to other typical comedy programs, the Daily Show somewhat brings a true sense of reality and humility into America’s social and political system. Making the show the target wide range of audience, the Daily Show brings a little sense of humor to lessen the harsh criticism.
2. Tongue-In-Cheek:
Tongue-in-cheek refers to when a fictional work or a statement is not taken seriously. Tongue-in-cheek is also popular among gerneration-x’ers. For example Sean would refer himself as “S-man”, while this is not suppose to be taken seriously, it is delivered in a serious way.
2. Tongue-In-Cheek:
Tongue-in-cheek refers to when a fictional work or a statement is not taken seriously. Tongue-in-cheek is also popular among gerneration-x’ers. For example Sean would refer himself as “S-man”, while this is not suppose to be taken seriously, it is delivered in a serious way.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
“Every moment in my life, I’ve done nothing special than being a boy. What is my purpose in this world? Will I ever get rich or become famous? What if I fail my family and my peers? I don’t want to do this anymore, because it’s very tiring and cold. What humiliations do I have to face today, and what kind of despise will I receive on my face? Is it a mistake that I was born to this world? I just want to be free from everything…. “With these thoughts, Paul got out from his bed.
Monday, August 18, 2008
5 minutes
Sitting in a hot and a small room, I checked the clock: What? 12 already? The last time I've checked the clock, it was 5.... That doesn’t' matter, right now I have to finish this. Wait, how am I suppose to go home? Again, that doesn't matter; I have to finish this. Jesus, this blade cannot cut well. Darn, I got another cut, and this one is pretty deep. Ok, now blood is running down my arm. Time to go to the hospital; wait, is the hospital open? Wait, where is the nearest hospital?
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