Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The society constatly revolves and changes into a new stance. The driving force that contributes to that change is through the exertion of perower. During the Civil Rights movement, Malcom X, a Civil RIghts leader, believed in different ways from Martin Luther King Jr.. WHile Martin promoted peacefull path, Malcom X believed that using violence will bring a definit impact to the society. Novels such as "1984" by George Orwell depicts how power is chosen over patience to control the masses will. Through these examples, we can see that power brings strong changes in the society.

Unlike Martin Luther king Jr., Malcom X was a person who favored using force to bring changes. Joining ideas along with antoher Civil Rights leader, Stockely Carmichel, both used violent riots such as The March of Washington to express their belief and ideas to the government. Because of their sudden adn violent force that constantly collided, the Congress had to pass laws to settle matters into tranquility. Like Malcom X, literatures also depict a clear sense of societies changed through force and power.

"1984" by George Orwell, dpeicts a life of an Soviet Union citizen; who despises the Big Brother government, also known as the communist government. The government who tries to take full controll of their people, uses extreme actions such as torture, to brainwash their people. The main character is constantly pressured under the government's eye, and in the end, losing himself into the submission of the government.

Loking through both of these examples, while others may use patience to rediate their will, using force and pwoer are more effective. By bringing strong and overwhelming actions; both Malcom X and the communist government were successful of having what they wanted. Power, maybe the only way to bring social changes.

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